I've pretty much been non-stop listening to Bruce Springsteen since I got back from Palm Desert. (hence the title of today's blog) Don't ask why.
So today was my first full day of school since the Break and I was so out of it. It was raining today, which definitely did not lift my mood so I was reminiscing about the desert, and how much I loved the dry heat. I had French last block(gross) and Choir before that. After today's class, I know now there is no way I am taking that as my elective next year. No way. What sucked was I totally lost my voice 5 minutes be fore class started. My mistake for talking with Jess about Grey's Anatomy. Trust me, all you have to do is say McDreamy or McSteamy to the both of us, and we might just go crazy thinking about those two words and what they really mean to us.
Last night I watched a very very very very amazing movie called "Running on Empty". And the reason I stumbled upon it and decided to watch it was because an 18 year old River Phoenix was the star. I actually cried at the end of the movie, that is how touching and emotional the film is. The whole time I was watching it, though, I could not stop thinking about why River Phoenix had to die. He was such an amazing actor, and maybe if he was still alive he could stop his brother from becoming the joke of Hollywood. And on the plus side, River was really really cute. Too bad he passed at the age of 23.
The only upside to today was the fact that it's a Friday. I didn't go out or anything, but I did get Breakfast At Tiffany's from the library. Oh you do not know how overly happy and excited I was. The first time I watched this movie, was on my iPod. Definitely not the most comfortable way to watch a 2 hour movie. Afterwards, I realized I completely idolize Holly Golightly(Hepburn's character). If only I could look like Audrey Hepburn for a day, if only...........